There's no doubt about it: there can be a lot of fear wrapped into birthing a baby.

How can we feel at peace when there could be soooo many complications or so much fear concerning our births- either believed by us or spoken by medical professionals?
Surround yourself with the promises of Jesus. Worship His goodness, read about what He did on the cross so that you could have peace of mind in every circumstance. (P.S., that peace of mind includes birth!)
All of the voices around you, whether it's medical professionals or women around you that mean well, who inflict fear into your heart are actually Satan's way of stealing joy away from you.
Remember: Satan hates, loathes, children, so he's going to try and take away that precious bond that you and your baby(ies) have.
His actual job description is thief, murderer and destroyer. (John 10:10).
Soooo...that is the voice of someone you don't want in your head when you're pregnant and eventually or soon going to give birth!
Even if there are medical issues or situations that are way out of your control and your birth or even your pregnancy don't go the way you expected at all, Jesus still provides peace!
Jesus' job description is: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, *Prince of Peace*" (Isaiah 9:6).
Now, I would much rather listen to a Prince than a thief and a murderer!!!
Here are just some of the Peaceful Promises that Jesus gives us in the Bible:
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27
"May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!" Psalm 29:11

What wonderful reminders that we are given peace in chaos; a peace that only comes from Jesus because it surpasses all understanding!
Below I have written down Birth Affirmations inspired by those Bible verses above so that you can write them down and hang them on your mirror, walls, car -anywhere- to remind yourself every second of every day that you. got. this. Mama!
"Labor may be the hardest thing I endure, and I might face trials during it all, but I am taking heart because Jesus has overcome those trials and soon I will see my beloved baby!"
"I receive the peace of Jesus that surpasses all human understanding while I am in labor and I wrap it over my body like a cloak of protection against the anxiety and fears that the world is trying to put on me!"
"My Creator designed my body to push this baby out, so I will not be afraid, but instead step into the peace that He has left with me for such a time as this!"
"Lord, I'm tired and weary from this labor, but I know that You will sustain me! Give me strength and cover me with the blessing of peace as I finish this miracle that is giving birth to new life!"
Girl, I've got chills for you right now!
With those kinds of affirmations, who can wage war against your mind and win?!
(Answer: NO ONE!)

Remind yourself that by His stripes you are healed (Isaiah 53:5) and that Jesus died so that you can have health, prosperity, joy and peace over your life--and part of life for most women includes labor and delivery.
You are healed from the anxiety weighing you down concerning birthing your baby!
There's so much fear in the unknown, but take heart, my friend. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding that you have access to, and I am speaking it over you today!
I love you, Mama.
You've got this!!